
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Action Planning Template

Action Planning Template – Revised
Goal: To assess, through data, whether teacher apprehension in integrating the use of an iPad will lessen with time and professional training.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
What are possible reasons for teacher apprehension in integrating use of new technology?
Daniel Davis
August 2013
Google/Online Resources

Reflection of information found in research.
Collect baseline data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
August 2013
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Analyze data and research collected for possible questions and needed adjustments.
Daniel Davis
August 2013
Baseline Survey Instrument Results
Google/Online Resources
Interviews with IT and/or Principal
Adjustments in Action Research Plan, if necessary, reflective of new data/research.
Collect continuing data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
October 2013
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Collect continuing data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
December 2013
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Collect continuing data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
February 2014
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Final data collection through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
April 2014
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Review collected data and graph result.
Daniel Davis
April 2014
Survey Instruments
Survey Averages
Graph showing survey averages.

Action research conclusion and recommendations.
Daniel Davis
April 2014
Data outcome graph.
Reflection that includes a conclusion of research and any recommendations as a result.
Share my action research with colleagues, Principal and District Curriculum and IT Professionals
Daniel Davis
May 2014
Final Report.

Action Planning Template
Goal: To assess, through data, whether teacher apprehension in integrating the use of an iPad will lessen with time and professional training.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
What are possible reasons for teacher apprehension in integrating use of new technology?
Daniel Davis
August 2013
Google/Online Resources
Reflection of information found in research.
Collect baseline data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
August 2013
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Collect continuing data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
October 2013
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Collect continuing data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
December 2013
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Collect continuing data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
February 2014
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Final data collection through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
April 2014
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Review collected data and graph result.
Daniel Davis
April 2014
Survey Instruments
Survey Averages
Graph showing survey averages.

Action research conclusion and recommendations.
Daniel Davis
April 2014
Data outcome graph.
Reflection that includes a conclusion of research and any recommendations as a result.


  1. Daniel, I agree that we need to figure out how to help teachers become more proficient with the use of technology. The kids are more tech savvy than we are! I have a few questions. Will you be including the professional training in your action plan? I noticed the progression of time and surveys, but no dates for trainings. Will you personally offer the trainings? Will there be repeated trainings over one area of using the iPad, or over multiple apps? That could affect teacher use -- being overwhelmed. (I speak from experience.) I look forward to seeing the outcome of your research. This is an area we all need to know more about.

  2. There is planned training already for next year for the iPad. It should be fun seeing what happens!

  3. This is a well put together plan Daniel. You picked a good topic. Yolanda is right; kids these days are way more tech savvy then a lot of their teachers. If teachers have the proper training to become more familiar with technology, it will help them and their professional development immensely.

  4. I like your plan Daniel, I think that technology these days is where its at. Im excited to follow you throughout this process..

  5. My action research study is very similar to yours. I will be conducting action research on teacher proficiency of technology and implementing it in the classroom. I wonder based on your action research plan if you will be given the professional training or if the teachers will receive the professional development from a third party. I would recommend using a discussion blog to receive feedback from the teachers as well as the surveys. Good luck with your research.

  6. Great Plan! I am doing my plan just similar to your. I love technology and I think the future of technology is here and we as teachers must be able to learn and adapts technology in our lesson. I will definitely follow your plan and I hope to learn and apply your finding in the future. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Good plan, but is there any way you can differentiate your data collection? Can you follow a select group of teachers, and observe their improvements with technology? Have some attend seminars, while others "self- teach"? Then document the improvements, and go from there? I feel like that's more solid data, and more interesting. Just a thought. But this study is very valid in today's world. (I'm doing a similar one...follow me, and we can keep up with each other's results!)

  8. I truly think that if we can integrate technology the correct way, especially with animation and graphics learning wil take place. Our kids need different stratigies for learning, as we can no longer stand in front of the classroom and lecture all day. But we cannot just pull out the ipads and expect them to do the work for us. we must continue to find ways to keep fun activities in the classroom and research with others on ways energizing exercised can be implemented with the use of ipads.

  9. I will be curious to see the results of your research. My school is going thru a similar process of introducing computers for the individual student. I like that you will be doing multiple surveys to show how the thoughts of the teachers change or do not change over time and after training.
