
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Action Planning Template

Action Planning Template – Revised
Goal: To assess, through data, whether teacher apprehension in integrating the use of an iPad will lessen with time and professional training.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
What are possible reasons for teacher apprehension in integrating use of new technology?
Daniel Davis
August 2013
Google/Online Resources

Reflection of information found in research.
Collect baseline data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
August 2013
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Analyze data and research collected for possible questions and needed adjustments.
Daniel Davis
August 2013
Baseline Survey Instrument Results
Google/Online Resources
Interviews with IT and/or Principal
Adjustments in Action Research Plan, if necessary, reflective of new data/research.
Collect continuing data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
October 2013
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Collect continuing data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
December 2013
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Collect continuing data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
February 2014
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Final data collection through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
April 2014
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Review collected data and graph result.
Daniel Davis
April 2014
Survey Instruments
Survey Averages
Graph showing survey averages.

Action research conclusion and recommendations.
Daniel Davis
April 2014
Data outcome graph.
Reflection that includes a conclusion of research and any recommendations as a result.
Share my action research with colleagues, Principal and District Curriculum and IT Professionals
Daniel Davis
May 2014
Final Report.

Action Planning Template
Goal: To assess, through data, whether teacher apprehension in integrating the use of an iPad will lessen with time and professional training.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
What are possible reasons for teacher apprehension in integrating use of new technology?
Daniel Davis
August 2013
Google/Online Resources
Reflection of information found in research.
Collect baseline data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
August 2013
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Collect continuing data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
October 2013
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Collect continuing data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
December 2013
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Collect continuing data through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
February 2014
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Final data collection through teacher survey.
Daniel Davis
April 2014
Survey Instrument
Calculated average from survey instrument
Review collected data and graph result.
Daniel Davis
April 2014
Survey Instruments
Survey Averages
Graph showing survey averages.

Action research conclusion and recommendations.
Daniel Davis
April 2014
Data outcome graph.
Reflection that includes a conclusion of research and any recommendations as a result.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

5301 Week 2 - Action Research Topic

I'd like to use action research in regards to the implementation of iPads on my campus. More specifically, I want to see if teacher apprehension in integrating a new hardware, iPad, reduces with time and professional development. The time frame for my research will be August 2013 through April 2014. I will collect baseline data through a survey at the beginning of the school year in August. I will collect additional data in October 2013, December 2013, February 2014 and April 2014, to analyze and track teacher apprehension with using this technology.
I'd like for my action research to be used to help show reluctant teachers that there is light down the tunnel, and to drive professional development activities.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

What I've learned in Week 1 of 5301

I've learned about action research, and how I can use action research to study something being implemented on my campus. In my situation, I'm going to use action research in regards to the implementation of iPads on my campus. More specifically, I want to see if teacher apprehension in integrating a new hardware, iPad, reduces with time and professional development. The time frame for my research will be August 2013 through April 2014. I will collect baseline data through a survey at the beginning of the school year in August. I will collect additional data in October 2013, December 2013, February 2014 and April 2014, to analyze and track teacher apprehension with using this technology. I'm hopeful that this course will help guide my research.

Educational leaders can use blogs to disseminate information, gather feedback on ideas, try out new ideas, share their thoughts and feelings about a topic, and connect with stakeholders in an easy to use online forum. Those are certainly not the only uses, but they are immediate and net results quickly.